A Simple Invitation Can Change Everything
I remember when I auditioned for a worship band at Boise Bible College. I’d played guitar for years, so I figured this would be a piece of cake. But when I found out they were looking for a vocalist too, I thought, "Sure, I sang bass in choir once. How hard can this be?" Spoiler: way harder than I imagined. My voice wasn’t exactly fit for public performance, but I figured go big or go home! Unsurprisingly, I didn’t get the callback. Even though I knew I wasn’t the best singer, the sting of rejection was real.
We’ve all been there. That moment when you’re told, “You’re not what we’re looking for.” Whether it’s a job, a relationship, or a team, it hurts. But here’s the twist: when it comes to Jesus, He never leaves us on the sidelines. Jesus invites each of us—flaws, missed notes, and all—to follow Him. John 1:35-51 shows us how this invitation works, not just for those early disciples but for each of us today. Here’s how you can respond to it and share it with others:
1. Receive the Personal Invitation
The story starts with two disciples of John the Baptist who see Jesus and leave everything behind to follow Him. What’s amazing is that Jesus doesn’t just keep walking. He turns to them and asks, “What are you seeking?”
How can you respond to this? Ask yourself that same question: What am I really seeking? Jesus wants us to be honest about our deepest needs and desires. In your moments of uncertainty, this question is an invitation to get real. Jesus wants to meet you where you are, no matter how messy, complicated, or incomplete you feel.
2. Get Scary Close to Jesus
Jesus invited them closer, saying, “Come and you will see.” It’s easy to think of Jesus can miracle you from a distance, but He can only change us up close. He wants us to walk beside Him, see how He lives, and experience His love firsthand.
How can you experience this? Spend time exploring who Jesus is. Read His words, watch how He interacts with people, and see how He embodies love and truth Doesn’t just go to church, engage in the life of the church. Jesus invites you to follow, not from afar but right up close.
3. Invite Others with Intentionality
Immediately after beginning to follow Jesus, Andrew’s first move was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah.” He didn’t just casually mention Jesus; he actively brought Simon to meet Him.
Who do you need to bring to Jesus? Start with the people in your life. Maybe it’s a family member, a friend, or even a coworker. You don’t need to have all the answers—just an open heart and an invitation. Share what Jesus has done in your life, or simply invite them to come and see for themselves. Like Andrew, your invitation could be pivotal shift someone else’s journey.
4. Believe in Jesus’s Power to Transform Lives
When Simon meets Jesus, he doesn’t just get welcomed; he gets a new name—Peter, which means “rock.” Jesus gave him a new identity and purpose. This is what Jesus does for all of us. He sees redeems us our past sin. He redefines who we are.
Have you received a new identity from Jesus? Remember Jesus is committed to transforming you. Think about the areas of your life where you’ve struggled or felt defeated. Invite Jesus into those places and trust that He can reshape them. And as you walk with Jesus, let others see the change in you—it’s a living testimony of His power to redeem and renew.