Why study the book of John?
The Gospel of John gives us a rare, intimate view of Christ. Written by His closest friend, it challenges us to see beyond the surface and look through the nail-pierced hands of the risen Savior. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this message invites you to experience the radical love of the living Jesus.

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  • Proof is Not the Problem

    Proof is Not the Problem

    Jesus makes a bold claim: the problem isn’t a lack of evidence, it’s an unwillingness to surrender.

  • Like Father Like Son

    Like Father Like Son

    Jesus isn’t just a good teacher. He isn’t just a miracle worker. He is the Son of God, carrying the full power of Heaven and Hell in His hands.

  • The Sad Things Come Untrue

    The Sad Things Come Untrue

    In a world as dark and broken as ours, it can feel like the light will never break through. But in John 5, we see a moment where it does. Do you want to be healed?

  • The Trajectory of Your Family

    The Trajectory of Your Family

    Real faith doesn’t just change you—it changes your home.

    In John 4, we see a desperate father coming to Jesus, pleading for his son’s life. What makes this encounter remarkable isn’t just the miracle—it’s the faith that was tested, deepened, and ultimately transformed an entire household.

  • Jesus Seeks the Outsider

    Jesus Seeks the Outsider

    We love a good underdog story. Whether it's a struggling athlete getting their big break or an overlooked competitor rising to victory, something inside us roots for the one who wasn’t supposed to win. But no one champions the underdog like Jesus.

  • Less of Me

    Less of Me

    In this passage, we see what it means to be set apart, to embrace being second, and to seal our lives with Christ’s truth. This is the radical shift that leads to real, lasting change. Baptism is a public declaration of that transformation—a dying to self and rising to new life in Jesus.

  • The Power of Heaven

    The Power of Heaven

    Before the Holy Spirit opens our eyes, the cross, repentance, and genuine faith can feel like gibberish. But God’s power isn’t just wishful thinking—it’s heaven’s life-force that raises the spiritually dead and makes us truly alive. That’s the shift Jesus describes to Nicodemus in John 3:1–21.

  • The New Birth

    The New Birth

    Ever wrestled with doubt?
    Nicodemus did. This Pharisee, this insider of insiders, sneaks out under cover of night to ask Jesus the hard questions. And what he hears is shocking: faith isn’t about head knowledge or religious credentials—it’s about transformation.

  • Be Humble or Get Humbled

    Be Humble or Get Humbled

    What if the most dangerous thing about Jesus isn’t what you think? In John 2, we encounter a Savior who doesn’t fit neatly into our boxes. He’s not safe, but He’s good. He doesn’t need our approval, yet He still wants us. Through this passage, we see that Jesus embodies a humble confidence—a boldness rooted in trust and surrender to God. So, where does your confidence lie? Are you building faith on what Jesus can do for you, or are you trusting Him for who He truly is?

  • Jesus Clears the Temple With Justin

    Jesus Clears the Temple With Justin

    What happens when zeal for God confronts greed and corruption? In John 2:13-22, Jesus enters the temple and overturns more than just tables—He upends the way we think about worship, holiness, and our hearts. With a whip of cords in hand and fire in His eyes, Jesus declares that His Father’s house is not a marketplace but a sacred space for communion with God.

  • Jesus Clears the Temple With Miguel

    Jesus Clears the Temple With Miguel

    What happens when worship turns into chaos, and sacred spaces are overshadowed by greed? In John 2:13–22, Jesus steps into the temple with fiery zeal, confronting corruption and overturning tables—not out of anger alone, but out of a passionate love for holiness and a longing to restore God’s dwelling place. This wasn’t just about a building; it was about reclaiming hearts.

  • The Good Wine

    The Good Wine

    In John 2:1–12, Jesus performs His first miracle, transforming water into wine at a wedding feast. This act is more than provision; it announces a new era of grace, joy, and spiritual renewal. Using symbolic water jars for purification, Jesus reveals His power to cleanse our hearts and fill our lives with overflowing love. This passage calls us to embrace His transforming grace and trust Him as the source of true renewal.

  • Does God Reveal Himself through Miracles or the Bible?

    Does God Reveal Himself through Miracles or the Bible?

    Life often leads us to long for God’s guidance, whether in moments of struggle or awe. In John 1:43-51, we see Jesus calling Philip, who then shares his experience with Nathanael. Despite initial doubts, Nathanael meets Jesus and encounters God personally. This passage invites us to reflect on how God speaks to us today—through His Word, signs around us, and others’ encouragement—and challenges us to stay open to His call.

  • Take It Personally

    Take It Personally

    Rejection hurts, but Jesus’ invitation changes everything. He doesn’t pick you based on how "worthy" you are; He just says, “Come.” And when you do, it’s not a quiet, passive life—His call transforms you and inspires you to bring others along on this life-changing journey.

  • The Art of Being Forgotten

    The Art of Being Forgotten

    In a world driven by self-image and personal branding, we find ourselves more anxious and isolated than ever. Could true freedom come not from being noticed but from stepping aside? John the Baptist and other humble leaders found deep fulfillment not in self-promotion but in magnifying something infinitely greater than themselves.

  • God Is Made Known To You

    God Is Made Known To You

    Jesus, the eternal Word, didn’t stay distant—He became flesh to bring light and order to our lives. In a world blind to His truth, will you receive or resist Him? This is an invitation to let God speak into your soul, transforming your darkness with His light.

  • An Unparalleled Perspective

    An Unparalleled Perspective

    John, the disciple closest to Jesus, takes us beyond mere facts and into the heart of who Christ is. His Gospel isn’t just about what Jesus did but why it matters to us today. It challenges us to see beyond what we think we know and view the world through the nail-pierced hands of the risen Savior.